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Privacy Policy

Entreposage Montréal Mini-Storage Privacy Policy

Our Commitment

Montreal Mini-Storage (“we” or “MMS” or “us”) respect your right to privacy. MMS will not sell or share your provided personal information with third parties, except as set forth in this policy and unless you give us your prior consent.


We believe that you should make informed choices on how your data is used and have created this policy to let you know how your privacy is protected when you interact with us, whether that be on our website at www. montrealministorage.com, communicating with our customer service team, and/or at our storage locations.


MMS tries to inform you of the purpose of collecting your data upon collection. We may collect various types of information from you, including your name, address, telephone number, e-mail address, emergency contact information, date of birth, your interaction with our website (including information such as IP addresses, internet service provider, browser type, language, access times, referring website, etc.), and other information you provide to us.

When we collect your data it is to be used and may be disclosed for the following purposes:

  • to provide you with the services you ordered
  • If you subscribed to our newsletter, to give you information regarding promotions, offers, and keep you up to date with news relating to Montreal Mini-Storage locations;
  • to process your requests and communicate with you
  • to understand your needs to try and serve you better
  • to compile aggregate statistics about the total number of daily visitors to our websites, the pages most frequently visited and how long people stay at each page, which in turn allows us to understand our customers’ needs and to develop products and services to serve those needs;
  • to confirm your identity; and
  • to comply with legal and regulatory requirements.

Our service providers may process and store your personal information in Canada, the United States, or any other country in which our service providers maintain facilities, and your personal information may be subject to applicable disclosure laws in those jurisdictions, which may result in that information becoming accessible to law enforcement and national security authorities of those jurisdictions.

If your personal information is to be used for a previously unidentified purpose, we will disclose such new use to you and request your consent therefor, unless such use is authorized or required by law.

MMS will not disclose your personal information to third parties without previously obtaining your consent, other than to our Montreal Mini-Storage locations, our service providers or as described herein.

On occasion we have outside companies provide services to you on our behalf. Those outside companies may be permitted to obtain your personal information. We will limit their access of personal information to only such information as may be required to deliver the service in question. They will also be bound to maintain the confidentiality of that information.


It is up to you whether or not you give us your personal information. By providing your personal information to us, you agree that we may use it for the purposes stated herein. If you opt out of communication with us, we will remove you from our data base, subject to data retention policies, within 72 business hours.

At any time, subject to legal restrictions, you may withdraw or change your consent to our use of your information, request us to delete it from our files, or notify us if you do not wish us to use your information for any purpose other than for the purposes specifically identified when you provided it to us. Please note that it may not be possible to remove information collected through cookies and pixel tax as part of our normal operational back up.

Limits on Collection

We will not collect information indiscriminately and will limit collection of information to that which is reasonable and necessary for the purposes herein.

Limits on Using, Disclosing and Retaining Personal Information

We will only use and disclose your personal information for the purposes set out herein and as authorized by law. We will retain your personal information for at least one year after using it, unless otherwise permitted or required by law.

We will destroy, erase or anonymize documents or other records containing your personal information as soon as it is reasonable to conclude that the original purpose for which the data was consented to and collected is complete and retention is no longer necessary for legal or business purposes. In order to prevent unauthorized access to the information we will take due care when destroying your personal information.


We make reasonable efforts to make sure the personal data we use or disclose is up to date, accurate, and complete. In some circumstances, it is your responsibility to make sure that your information is up to date, accurate, and complete.

We will update the information as necessary if you inform us that it is inaccurate or incomplete. If necessary, we will communicate the updated information to the parties who have already received it.

We will annotate the personal information that is under our control with a note that the correction was requested but not performed when a dispute about the correctness of personal information is not resolved to your satisfaction.


We safeguard the personal data under our custody or control by putting in place reasonable security measures to guard against risks like unauthorised access, collection, use, disclosure, copying, modification, and disposal.

We shall make reasonable efforts, by contractual or other appropriate means, to ensure that the Montreal Mini-Storage locations and service providers who help deliver services to you implement a comparable level of personal information protection.

Electronic information transmission does not guarantee privacy or security.

Data Requests

We will give you access to your personal information that is under our control, as well as details about how it is being used and the people or organisations to whom it has been disclosed, upon written request to our data privacy officer listed below. We will give you written notice if more time is needed to complete the request, otherwise we will make the material available to you within 30 days after your request and your identity has been confirmed.

We might occasionally be unable to grant access to specific pieces of personal data. This might be the case, for instance, if disclosing the information would reveal personal information about another person, the information would violate solicitor-client privilege, the information was gathered as part of an investigation, or the information would reveal confidential business information that, if made public, could harm MMS. In some cases, the law forbids us from granting access to specific personal data.

When an access request is denied, we will contact you in writing, list the reasons why, and describe the next steps you can take.

Employee Provisions

At MMS, we have a policy requiring that team members and workers maintain the privacy of client and employee information. This information includes, among other things, information about personnel files, contract records, and product selection data.

Our employees are not allowed to retain our customers’ personal data for non-job related uses. Should an employee disclose your personal data in violation of our privacy policy they may be subject to discipline, up to and including termination of employment. Once an employee leaves MMS for any reason such employee is required to immediately return all MMS property including any confidential information or personal data that the

employee may have in their possession.

In the event of a known breach of our privacy policy that impacts your personal data, we will notify you as soon as possible.

Contact Us

You can contact our privacy office at the address listed below if you have any questions or concerns about how we are adhering to this policy or the relevant federal and provincial laws. All complaints are investigated, and we take seriously any that involve your personal information.

If you have any concerns, complaints, or questions about this privacy policy, please contact our privacy officer in writing at the address below:

Ryan Sanft, Privacy Officer
5260 Ferrier St,
Montreal, Quebec
H4P 1L3