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April 20, 2023

The Benefits of Renting a Storage Unit during Back-to-School season

1) Store your Summer gear for next year

In the self-storage industry, we encourage our tenants to treat their storage unit as a kind of “Seasonal Closet”. Instead of cluttering your home with kiddie pools, golf clubs, canoes, kayaks, and all the things that make Summer great, put them in a storage unit until next year. And in exchange, bring home the things you will need to prepare for Montreal’s brutal winters, like shovels, winter boots, toboggans and skis. This will help keep your living space clean and organized all year-round!

2) Keep your child’s study space organized

Studies have shown that students working in an organized and clutter-free environment tend to be more productive and have better grades than their peers studying in a messy area. It is hard enough for students to avoid the constant distractions coming from social media and television. Creating a clean, safe and tidy study space for your child can tremendously help them focus on their school work. And having a storage unit can help you do just that.

3) Storage for extracurricular activities

When your children participate in many different extracurricular activities, keeping a tidy home can be challenging. There never seems to be enough space in their rooms to keep their dance shoes and karate uniform, their easels and paints, their guitars and drum sets, their telescopes and books tidy and organized. Our advice: get yourself a storage unit not too far from home or from their school and, right before your kid’s next hockey practice, grab their skates, helmet and hockey stick on the way to the arena.

4) Preparing for the future

Time flies faster than we care to admit. It seemed like just yesterday you were making lunch for your kid’s first ever day of school. Now, they have just been handed their high school diploma and are dreaming about their next chapter at Cégep and university. Preparing for your child’s transition to young adulthood is a difficult task, but necessary nonetheless, and being well organized can make it so much easier. A storage unit can help better prepare you for your child’s future and their eventual move away from home.

5) Storing memories and accomplishments

Like any proud parent, you want to celebrate and keep a piece of all of your children’s accomplishments and happy memories. Every trophy, every medal, every fingerpainting and gold star are oftentimes more important to the parent than the child. But happy clutter is still clutter, and it is not healthy for your family in the long-run. No one understands the emotional value of our tenants’ belongings better than we do in the storage industry and keeping these keepsakes safe is our top priority.